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Did you know

If your dogs nails are too long, it can overtime affect your dogs posture and general movement. When nails are constantly under pressure they end up twisting or the toe can turn. This results in more pressure on  your dogs foot and may lead to early arthritis.
So lets work together to keep your dogs nails off the floor.

Did you know

Grooming plays an essential role in maintaining healthy skin. It is very important to have healthy skin as the skin is the first line of defense against infection. 

Training Package

T’G Canines offers two types of training Packages that are made up of a number of appointments. The number of appointments will vary depending on your Dog’s progress. Revision of your Dog’s progress will occur at the end of each appointment. These packages are referred to as the Basic Training Package and the Rehabilitation Package. T’G Canines only uses positive reinforcement as its method of training.

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My Products

T’G Canines products consists of top quality products, We aim to have our product range as natural as possible and I always research my products before deciding to purchase new stuff. When required we may use medicated shampoos, flea shampoos and anti fungal shampoos which help benefit your dog coat and skin health.


Pricing is based on the following factors:

  •  Size & Breed of your dog

  • Condition and type of hair

  • Your dogs behaviour while being groomed

  • Distance traveled for mobile services

  • Type of service that was provided for your dog


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